

I make Basic Bodymap and Full Bodymap, a diagnostic tool used in the Bodynamic

It is a  map of Your muscles, how tensed, relaxed or neutral they are.


What is the difference between Basic Bodymap and Full Bodymap?

The amount of muscles that being tested and being told about. In the Basic Bodymap You get an accurate picture of the main issues. Full Bodymap is more specific. 

The time it takes to make, Full Bodymap takes longer than Basic Bodymap. 

Price difference, Full Bodymap is more expensive than Basic Bodymap.


How do I make one?

On a massage table, fully clothed, preferably the client wears soft and little elastic clothes, think of a typical yoga outfit. To make one it takes around 2 hours, and 30-45 min to give an interpretation. 


What can you use it for?

It gives a good view on what is stored in psychological aspects in your body, the resources and problems and if there are, shocks. How you might compensate to achieve certain goals, and what other options you could also use to get where you want to be? The Bodymap gives also a view on how conscious You use different psychological aspect and what is hidden unconsciously. 


Why is it useful to have one?

You are able to see the core of the problem faster, which can reduce the hours in therapy. If you suffer from somatic physical pains in the muscles, it gives theme to work in therapy. 



Practical information:

- fully clothed (yoga type of clothes are the best, thin and stretchy material)

- it is being done an a massage table

- total time: - 2h 30m for a basic bodymap

           - 5h 30m for a full bodymap 

- Price: - basic bodymap: 250,-

            - full bodymap: 380,-


- relevant information: your measurements in cm and kg. This may impact the duration of the test. 

- how often you could make a bodymap?

not recommended to have less than 2 years between. Every 5 years is advised. That is enough time to see if there is any changes and what kind of changes of course.


important note for NOT making a bodymap if:

  • you go through a traumatic life event at a moment, e.g. divorce, death of close person, recently got a serious dingoes etc. Reason for it is that the bodymap will not give a test on how you are on regular base, but more how you deal with this event. So also do NOT make bodymap if you have an important exam the same week.
  • if you are pregnant or just got a baby, wait at least 6-9 monthes. Similar suggestions applies for the fathers.
  • you are in shock and trauma training or reorienting birth training at the moment, wait at least 6 months before making one. The reason for it, is because of those training your defence mechanisms may shift and change, so you will not get an accurate test.
  • if you are doubting, write me :)



Click here for more about the Bodymap


Click here to order a Bodymap session